lafindboy's Fragments

just thought I'd post some poems and such.

My Photo
Location: United Kingdom

overweight, toothless, and happy

Saturday, September 09, 2006

That's It Huh?

When they finally sent me home
From Vietnam
And after I had spent a few days in Frisco
Getting stoned
Looking for the myth of the place
And finding only
Speed freaks
Burned out Hippies
I realised that
I had just traded
One wasteland
So I bought a bus ticket
To Indiana
I didn’t have any baggage
I had thrown away all the army gear
Bought some jeans
And a light jacket
Then climbed aboard the Trailways bus

The trip should have taken four days
I got off the bus
The next morning
And started hitch-hiking
It took me weeks to get home
I met a lot of people
Out there
On the road
I was broke and they fed me
Let me sleep
Let me talk
Let me listen
Bought me coffee
They drove all kinds of vehicles
Trucks that hauled cattle
Trucks that hauled mobile homes
A young and beautiful blond
Who drove a Cadillac
Picked me up in Wisconsin
I told her that I thought she was living dangerously
She said the same about me
She was student on her way
Home for Christmas
I got lost a few times
It didn’t matter
I was lost before I started
And I knew
Even then
That I would be lost
For years

I damn near froze to death
In Minnesota
But a kind lady
Who ran a small hotel
In a small town
Let me come in and sit by the fire
And from time to time
I went back to the highway
And stayed there till I was almost froze
I had made a promise to myself
While I was in Vietnam
And I planned to keep it
So when I got back to Indiana
And had washed and slept
At my mothers house
I looked up an old friend
Called Jim
We had grown up together
Run wild together
Ever since we were kids in the neighbourhood
I had something to do
Somewhere to go
But this time I wanted company
Someone to share the road with
Where are we going?
Jim asked
Washington D.C.
I answered
What for?
Jim asked
Something I got to do
I answered
Jim said

So off we went
Across four states
In five days
You could smell the cities first of all
Then the sky changed from blue to orange
And the city would appear
They all looked the same
Same cars
Same houses
Same faces
Same sky scrapers
Same steel mills
And me and Jim
Riding through time and space
We finally made it to D.C.
Got to the heart of the place
Monuments akimbo
Buildings from which the world was run
Tourists making their pilgrimage
Cameras by the thousands
To get there we had to hitchhike
Through the worlds largest ghetto
But the heart of the place
Screamed loud with power and money
We found our way to the Capital Building
Where the congress sat
Where they rubber stamped the madness
I had waited a long time to be there
And now
I was

So what now?
Jim asked
I said
I walked up to the place
Tourists and cameras all around me
Men and women in suits coming and going
Walked up to stand right against the building
Unzipped my jeans
Pulled out my dick
And pissed on it
Zipped back up
And walked back to Jim
He just looked at me
And said
That’s it huh?
Yeah that’s it
I answered

We stayed long enough
To visit
The Lincoln Memorial
And pay our respect
Then started back…
Mission accomplished