Break of Noon
It’s Sunday
It’s almost time to begin
So I guess I better think about
Getting up
Brushing what’s left of my teeth
Shaving round the beard
Taking a chance that my bowel might move
The way it should
Creamed cheese on toast
Topped with smoked salmon
Mug of tea
Three cigarettes
And chemotherapy with orange juice
Breakfast of Champions
Put the dishes in to soak
Put the Beach Boys, The Eagles, and the Beatles
On the CD player
Turn it up loud
Fuck the neighbours
Turn all the lights out
Sink into a nice hot bath
And feel the back pain fade away
Once emerged
Put the magic cream on the ankle
The never-ending fight against psoriasis
Find the loosest fitting everything
The warmest socks
The underwear that doesn’t climb or pinch
The pants that don’t struggle against my girth
The shirt that’s warm and friendly
The slippers I bought for some hospital stay
Then in to the living room
Open the curtains
Look out through the dirty windows
At the quiet street
The quiet town
Think of all the places
I don’t have to go
Things I don’t have to do
People I don’t have to see
People who don’t have to see me
At last I am blessed
Think about the TV
Tennis on the box this afternoon
Football on the box tonight
The present war on the box all day
Every day
Decide to continue to let the music play
And then walk to my little office
Turn on this machine
And here I am again
The break of noon
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